Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 18

Well everyone, we are getting close now... we can almost smell the ocean! We are in San Bernardino, CA, home of the original McDonald's restaurant (of which I have no picture!). We began our day early again, around 6, motoring west out of Kingman, AZ, over what I believe is the most memorable stretch of road so far (and probably will be of the entire trip). We took the old route through Oatman, AZ, which sits at 2700 ft elevation. We had to climb Sitgreaves pass (3550 ft), which took as right around one and one-half hours to go 22 miles. Curvy, hilly, switchbacks, narrow, drop-offs with no guard rails, etc., etc., etc. But we did see a couple of roadrunners, a few family of quail, some jackrabbits, and five longhorn sheep (we snapped a picture of three of them, see if you can find them!). The town of Oatman itself looks just like it probably did about 150 years ago... check out main street! And then it was on through the great Mojave Desert, and still no air conditioning. Barb says it gave her a whole new understanding of "roasting the Pastor." Tomorrow should be the end of our trek, for we are hoping (after attending church with our friend Bob Rip) to close out the journey at the Santa Monica Pier. Look for those pics tomorrow. And thanks again for riding along with us.