Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 16

Hello from sunny New Mexico. We almost crossed the entire state today, going from Tucumcari on the eastern edge to Gallup on the western edge. We got an earlier start and were able to beat the heat a bit--but the plans are to start even earlier tomorrow morning as we traipse across the great state of Arizona. We didn't need Mater today, thankfully, but we found him here in Santa Rosa, New Mexico (you may remember him from the movie, Cars!). We were most struck today, however, with the greatness of our great God--this country makes one feel very, very small, as shown by the pictures of the wide open mesas. We also found a railroad bridge that was used in the 1940 filming of Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath"--amazing, eh?


  1. Beautiful scenery! I wanna go! Your car is a real beauty and hopefully the old gal is doing well over all these miles.
    Barb Smits
