Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15

Greetings from Tucumcari, New Mexico, where it was 96 degrees today. We are motel-ing it again tonight, sorry to say. But we are just too 'wimpy' to camp outside in this heat, especially when the "shady" area at the Amarillo KOA was a bit lacking in the "shady" part!!! So we pressed on to Tucumcari instead.

First let me include some pics from yesterday's trip. Note the one remaining Marsh Rainbow Arch bridge in Kansas, the 9 foot wide section of Route 66 in eastern Oklahoma, and the memorial wall at the entry of the former Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Okalahoma City--it was destroyed by a bomb 15 years ago.

Today's trip covered a lot of lonely Texas route 66 highway, as evidenced in the first picture. We also saw the Cadillac Ranch just outside Amarillo, the old Ghost town of Glen Rio right on the New Mexico border, and then the Blue Swallow Motel where we are spending the night. A photographer from a national magazine was here taking some photos for the one hour that the owner turns on the neon lights at night, and so she took some photos of the GTO under the neon lights. I think I have a photo of her taking photos--I am sure hers will turn out much better than mine, and she promised me some, sooooooo.

We're headed for bed so we can start earlier in the am and get some miles in before the heat of the day. Good night, all.

Here are some extra pictures of the day, including the aforementioned GTO under the neon lights!

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